
Update: AIIAS Faculty Duplex Construction Project

The number of faculty grew due to the increase in student enrollment and the opening of new academic programs and emphases at AIIAS. Thus, the need of faculty housing increased. The AIIAS administration and board have voted to proceed with the construction of the faculty housing.

The construction of the new faculty duplexes began in December 2016 and is currently underway. The plan is to have the duplexes completed by April 2017.

The two duplexes will cost a total of US$300,000 and will be funded by donations from the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, AIIAS alumni and friends, and from the capital funds of AIIAS.

If you would like to know how you can be a part of this project, kindly email

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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