
Veteran Pastor Shares Preaching Lectureship

Dr. John Brunt, an Adventist veteran pastor and educator, shared a lectureship focused on preaching from January 28 – 30. Pastors from AIIAS and surrounding areas joined together to learn practical pointers for those who are interested in learning how to improve their preaching and communication of God’s Word.


“The most important element of preaching is that it is good news,” said Pastor Brunt in one of his presentations.


This program is the first preaching lectureship that will become an annual event. After the success of the program, many attendees requested for the event to take place again. It will provide students and pastors in the area a chance to improve their preaching methods to more effectively communicate the good news.


“The seminar gave me new insights on preaching,” said Chipem Keishing, a seminary student from India. “I learned a lot and think the seminar was well worth the time.”


Topics included: “Everything I know About Preaching in Four Words”; “How to Make the New Testament Come Alive”; “Preacher, Pastor, Person: All at Once! Really?”; “All By Myself?”; and “Metaphors for Ministry”


By: Ingrid Oberholster

AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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