
Mission Emphasis Week Focuses on the Adventist Message

The AIIAS community has been reconnected to the purpose of mission in the past week. The Mission Emphasis Week 2017 with the theme, What Mission? Do Adventists even know their Message? was held in AIIAS on July 17-22, 2017.


The guest speaker is the Director for AMR of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Dr. Petras Bahadur. He inspired the AIIAS community by sharing testimonies about his experiences in reaching out to others by effectively communicating the gospel, building bridges, and forming relationships with others.


“Humble yourself in the sight of God. Whoever you are, wherever you are, God wants to work in your life. Your future is not in your hands, it is in God’s hands,” reminded Bahadur in one of his messages.


Supporting ministry groups were invited to present their mission-driven presentations during the daily meetings. These groups showed the difference they made in the lives of others through various types of ministry–by providing aid to calamity and poverty-stricken areas in the Philippines; by helping the city to eradicate smoking by replacing cigarettes with fruits and other healthy snacks; by means of training youth to teach other young people about evangelism; by visiting prison cells and holding prayer and Bible study sessions among the prisoners; by church planting around the local communities in the Philippines; and by equipping missionaries for the world.


Photo credit: Gandhi Gandees

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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