
Why Should You Study a DMiss/DIS Degree?

The Doctor of Missiology/Doctor of Intercultural Studies is the highest research degree in intercultural studies offered by AIIAS. Is this the right program for you? Find out more.


The DMiss/DIS program is right for you if:


You are a pastor, teacher, administrator or ministry professional. The DMiss/DIS is designed for leaders and professionals who are serving in cross-cultural mission settings and who have a minimum of 3 years full-time cross-cultural experience.


You seek to sharpen missiological skills. The DMiss/DIS will equip you with the ability to relate theology to different cultural and social contexts. The significant research component will enable you to do independent research and become an expert in your area of specialization.


You desire to study part-time. The DMiss/DIS is an In-Ministry program  designed to be completed in 4 years while you remain in your current professional or leadership role spending 8-12 hours per week on your assignments.


You choose to study from where you are. Spend only 4 weeks in residence at AIIAS campus every year during the delivery of each program module. Complete some coursework and conduct research from your current location.


You enjoy learning with fellow mission-oriented peers. Being a DMiss/DIS student, you will actively network with 15-20 other cohort students who come from a diverse range of experience and mission expertise.


You aspire to contribute significantly to the church’s mission. As a DMiss/DIS student you will become a more spiritually driven leader, competent cross-cultural professional, effective missionary mentor and visionary researcher/change agent.


Begin your journey to become a student at AIIAS and submit your application for admission today.